Factor VII Deficiency

Considered the most uncommon bleeding disorders, factor VII deficiency is an inherited bleeding disorder that is caused by complications with factor VII when the clotting reaction is blocked too soon causing the blood clot to not form. The deficiency of the clotting factor is either the body does not make enough fibrinogen or the fibrinogen is not working like it should.

According to hemophilia.org symptoms are usually linked to the level of factor VII in the blood, but not always. For instance, some people with low factor VII levels may have mild symptoms.

Babies are often diagnosed with factor VII deficiency within the first 6 months of life, after sustaining a bleed in the central nervous system, such as an intracranial hemorrhage, or gastrointestinal tract. People with severe factor VII deficiency experience joint and muscle bleeds, easy bruising and bleeds after surgery.  Bleeds can also occur in the skin, mouth, nose and genitourinary tract. Women often experience severe menorrhagia, long, heavy periods.

Factor VII Deficiency Treatment

HF Healthcare provides NovoSeven® RT and SEVENFACT used to treat factor VII deficiency and can create a manageable care plan that works in concert with your physician and insurance payer. We are here to guide you to a healthy future!